Patient Scheduling at Clarus

Dec 24, 2020

Patient scheduling and appointment management processes are the key to the physicians' workflow and productivity. Patient pre-registration work flows  make it possible for the staff to collect crucial patient data before the patient even comes into the office. Easily stored and organized Patient intake forms reduce waiting time and also enable completing the required eligibility and Authorization checks.

Team at clarus has the capability to understand the patient requirements, streamline the appointment scheduling and manage the process efficiently that can gain patient trust and positively impact the revenue flows.

The Front End tasks team at clarus helps your practice with Patient Scheduling and Appointment management processes by:

  • Patient Appointment Scheduling and Setting Reminders.

  • Manage the Appointment Directory and enable slot customization

  • Provide Appointment Statuses

  • Documentation of the Appointment needs

  • Referrals Creation and Tracking

  • Filling the patient intake forms

  • Storing and Indexing the forms in chronological order

  • Completing Benefits Verification

  • Validating the Patient payment history

Along with the above we provide the physicians with comprehensive , easily understandable dashboards, Practice reports, Appointments Analysis and Process improvements that can enhance patient experience at the time of visit.

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